Publications Management

 You need an editorial manager with the skills and expertise to manage the editors and the process.

You want to end up with publications that have undergone a similar depth of editing, are stylistically consistent, and don’t have mistakes.

Illustration icon of an open book

Is this you?

Scenario 1

You need to produce a set of working papers from different authors who don't follow the template you gave them.

Your authors want all their words to stay.

Your authors struggle to let go of jargon when they're writing.

Scenario 2

You need to deliver conference proceedings covering an entire week of plenary and multiple breakout sessions occurring simultaneously. 

Multiple reporters are covering the individual sessions. 

Multiple editors are then assigned to edit the pieces of the proceedings in order to meet a rigorous deadline.

How I Help You Manage the Publications

  • Develop and monitor timelines

  • Assemble teams of editors and writers 

  • Provide writing and editing guidelines and style sheets 

  • Review the work of writers and editors for quality and uniformity

  • Identify and communicate potential landmines early on to prevent cost and time overruns

What My Publications Management Clients Say

I don’t know how we could have copy edited those commissioned papers for the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education without Turning Phrases! From managing the team of professional copy editors, to locating additional resources at the last minute, you saved the day.
— Donald Bland, Senior Project Director, EDJ Associates, Inc.