The Dog that Stole My Heart: Tribute to Nala on her 2nd Birthday


My daughter named our Shih Tzu Nala after the lioness heroine in The Lion King. Nala also means “beloved” and “gift” in Swahili. An apt name for a dog who answered the prayers of an only-child who begged for years to have a pet companion.

I was convinced that a dog would complicate my life as a single mom juggling a full time career.  Didn’t I have enough on my plate?

As my daughter got older, though, I started to inch toward the possibility of dog ownership. I noticed a growing population of adorable pint-sized puppies on my daily walks. 

Undeniably, my daughter started to become a dog whisperer with all the dogs we knew. She had taken it upon herself to read and absorb every book she could get her hands on related to dog behavior and caretaking.  

When the turbulence of adolescence set in, my resistance to dog ownership shattered. My own research helped me see that a small, sweet-tempered dog could fit into our lifestyle.

When we met Nala on a sticky-hot spring day in 2019, she completely won us over. Her 3-pound chocolate-brown body with eyes-barely-open and a constantly wagging white specked tail showed us she was as connected to us as we to her. The bonding started immediately on the three-hour ride home.

Those grueling first days of crate training are a distant memory. 

The fun part was learning from my daughter and tag-teaming with her to acclimate Nala to our home and socialize her to the world. 

We laughed during those first walks with our caricature of a puppy zig-zagging between the two of us. 

Then and now she continues to entertain us by crawling under her form-fitting bed and dancing in circles.  

Her steady gaze and cock of her head when I trail out of her line-of-sight still makes me smile. 

There is not a fuzzier feeling than coming home to a ball of energy waiting eagerly at the glass door. Her beady little eyes can barely reach the door but she hears me coming.  

Nala has anchored me during pandemic heartache.

She jumped on the couch to sit by me recognizing fear in my eyes as I watched scary and confusing news about COVID-19. 

Nala comforted me in sadness and grief when I was isolated and unable to visit my most beloved family members or go out with friends.

Nala curled up to my side during horrific newscasts of social unrest and political upheaval. She watched me pace the floor and listened to me rant at times.

It’s always fun to watch Nala find her treats and watch her mouth open in anticipation as I'm about to throw a ball or toy her way.

Nala lends structure and rhythm to daily living. Content to sit on her perch in the living room chair with eyes on the world for hours, she lets me know when she’s reached her limit. Often immediately.  

Her need for human companionship demands me to take breaks from work, easing my tendency to try to do too much. 

Nala and I walk at least twice a day. Her slow pace forces me to appreciate nature. Nala has a preferred path. She steers me to her favorite bushes, flowers, and succulents.   

I can rely on Nala, the protectress, to make her presence known anytime she hears a threatening sound—or even the noise of passersby. 

Comically, she comes running in my direction at the sound of the slightest sneeze.   

Nala is the unexpected gift that came to our family at just the right time. The joy she brings transcends the work she requires or the stubbornness that might show up on any given day. 

Thanks to my daughter for persevering in her quest for a dog.


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